September 5, 2010

Falling down on the job...

Good day/Bad day?: Good and tiring

No, the title is not literal, it's that I've fallen a couple days back in posting. I just wanted to even out a little after round #2 of chemo infusion and see if a pattern is emerging yet.

So the day of chemo I can go along well for a few hours after the treatment, then I hit the wall and turn green. The rest of the night is like that, kind of light-headed and tired and nauseous. Saturday and Sunday went along pretty okay, like a day of pregnancy-nausea with each day getting a little better. I reach a point or 2 each day where I hit the wall and need rest.

We also had a changing of the guard for helpers again--'bye and thank you to Ashlie! Hi & 'bye to Kathy and Bruce! Then thank you to Mia for being around all of today--it was fun, and sleep well! This coming week is a change...I get my arms back!!!! Thurs officially I'll be off the 10-lb weight restriction. I don't know how soon that means I'll be up for 24# lifting, but it ought to be soon. I will do my best to be judicious.

I think this coming week I'll go for my fake boob fitting. My logic is the boobs alone or the hair alone is going to be weird to adapt to, but if I have to pick out boobs with the wig or no hair, that will be exponentially weird. We'll see how that works out for me!


Anonymous said...

And the new opportunities keep coming. Thank you for sharing your thoughts in such a sincere way. As I read other blogs from victims of the big "C" a single thread forms. Hope for the future.

Bruce has said enough now. Peace.

ee said...

Thanks for the update. Been thinking about you. Keep on keeping on, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Spending the day with you guys was the highlight of my weekend. Please don't thank me for my culinary skills. (Mac and cheese with bacon for those that are wondering)

I'm convinced Olive will be the next Einstein or at least some sort of Nobel Peace Prize winner. I hope she remembers us little people who taught her how to quack, bark and whap a beach ball!

I had a stiff drink at Micky's and slept like a baby last night...I hope Olive did too. (the sleeping part I meant)

Ben said...

The most fantastic mac and cheese with tomatoes and bacon EVER...