June 29, 2011

The Build-up

Good day/Bad day?: Phhhht

Long week just to get to Thursday...pretty full days, including a Gilda's Club orientation/tour on Monday evening with Ben and lots of rigamarole in my head to get ready for the surgery. It's one of those things where you get to a point that you've preplanned as much as you're mentally able to, and then you just want to get it done so you can actually start figuring out all the things you know you'll need to figure out. Same feeling for Olive's surgery as it was for all my treatments, I guess. Once it's happening, even if it's crappy, at least you can act on it!

Surgery is 11am, should last a little over 2 hrs. I go back and forth between telling myself it's a pretty routine thing and doing the "NOT MY BABY!" internal cry. We'll see how it goes--one of the worst parts my just be dealing with her when she can't eat all morning... Other than that, I'm totally mentally checked out.

Thanks to all that are offering to help, sending little gifts, making cookies, etc. It always helps to see these tangible signs of caring when we feel like it's us against the world.

We'll keep you posted--I'll be staying the night with her, so we'll get word out as soon as we are able...


Sue said...

good luck everyone - love you Olive

Anonymous said...

Hey Olive, when you are done with this I guess grampa will have to break out the venerable malt at Babcock! Your Dad has quite a few banked up as well. And you too, Mom Jenny.