February 2, 2011

Snow day

Good day/Bad day?: Okay

Blizzard! I don't know if you know, but there was some snow yesterday. And some wind. 14 inches. So today was a snow day at home--we all had no place to go. It was a nice day hanging out with Olive (Ben was usually busy shoveling/snowblowing or doing our taxes...), but I get worn out by it pretty easily. At least she was in a good mood. Her latest thing is singing a little song, something about a baby.

It was strangely quiet today without Punky around. No nails clicking around, no barking at any noise outside. Also realizing that we're going to have to start picking up food we drop on the floor! Thank you to everyone who's sent their support/condolences. I'm going to feel guilty about this for a while. I know it couldn't have gone in a different direction because it wasn't going to get better, but I'm going to feel bad because I also feel relief. Relief that she won't have to get worse and worse, but also selfish relief that it's not another thing we have to handle with all that we've had going on. I know, kinda crappy, which makes me feel worse...

...which is why I made some fudge sauce. Didn't get much of anything else done today, but at least there's that.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is cruel how our emotions play with the crappy things we have to do. I hope the chocolate sauce is of the dark variety.

Kathy said...

It's Rock-a-bye baby...Sing that song when she sings and she'll give you a vigorous head nod of approval.

Yes...I'll miss Punkin's presence too...but not so much the hairs and trying to coordinate her need to go outside with when Olive is asleep. It takes some courage to admit these things aloud...

Jen said...

I thought it was Rock-a-bye baby, too, but then she shakes her head no...