July 12, 2011

How we're doing

(I am stopping the Good day/Bad day thing, because I will obviously not be blogging everyday and it starts to become a little meaningless then. It was much more pertinent when my bad days were very, very bad and good days were a special victory. Now, just assume things are fair-to-middlin' unless I say otherwise.)

Hanging in there, all around. Olive, I would say, is pretty close to full-steam ahead, minus the mobility. She's really not noticeably extra-fussy, and the next couple of days of cooler temps and less humidity should help us all. She would be outside all day and all night if we let her, but boy is she a sweaty little girl! Her one new feature since the surgery is now she says "owie" for any time she's mad, wakes up fussy, etc. Cry wolf, my dear...

She had an ortho appt this morning and all looks well with her x-ray, i.e. the hip is still aligned and doing what it needs to for healing. Cast change between 4-6 weeks (they'll just send the appt time), so that'll be a outpatient procedure with some anesthesia. Otherwise they were pleased with how she was doing, and she got lots of complements on her blue toenails (to match the cast). Then I dragged her and Kathy with me to work to say hi to everyone and she was a good sport!

We're getting close to the daily routine again. The hardest thing is the nights for the rest of us--we have to work in diaper changes at around 11:30pm and 3am to keep up with keeping her cast dry, so we're still negotiating what that looks like. At least we've had Kathy here a lot to help (Ben & I made it through the weekend, though!), and at least we don't have to work in nighttime meds, too. She has been very comfortable and done with the pain meds for a while, and even Tylenol isn't really needed. Tomorrow I'm bringing her in to day care for a re-orientation and logistics session, and I'll have her do a partial day of it Thurs and a full day Friday before I go back to work next week. I think she's bored of me, anyway.

We'll get a photo essay posted soon so you all can see for yourself...

I am also okay. I don't have the endurance of the rest of the folks around me, though sometimes I try to fool myself. The heat really takes it out of me, too, but then it's a good reminder to me of how Olive's feeling. A few days where my back has been really angry about the extra lifting, though I think we're all getting smarter about that, and my shoulder is stiff but not a lot worse. No more appts for me until August.

In the meantime, a busy summer continues. This coming weekend Dad and Carol visit and Ben goes motorcycle camping, next weekend Ben & I are going to Sheboygan for my birthday weekend getaway, then a couple other things on the horizon.

I am mulling over an idea. I'm thinking that I might hold an Olive Training Day (really probably just an hour or 2) for anyone interested in learning her care needs and being a part of the summer babysitting pool... Just to go through the new routine and cast care all at once and see who's really feels like diving in. Maybe next week? I'll say more when I make up my mind.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Don't let Jenny mislead you...she has more energy than many people--the nighttime routine, though, requires opportunities to catch up with day naps and someone else helping with a chore or two.

Also, in case you're thinking about signing up for the spica cast session, don't be too nervous--it's much better/easier than I imagined. She doesn't break and she still likes tickles and hugs and creep mouse up the cast or the exposed leg. Diapering isn't too hard at all--I know the disposables are a waste, but you can't beat the convenience and lack of diaper rash/need for creams. At first you feel a little nervous tucking in to the cast--it's really not too tender--even the incision area hardly gets an ouch anymore. Olive has amazingly good humor, accepts "I'm sorries" very quickly and still needs to be scolded now and then to get "I'm sorries" from her.

No one or even two persons can do all the necessary lifting and entertaining of cast girl, so, if you have time, your contribution will be greatly appreciated.

Adoring Grandma