October 4, 2010


Good day/Bad day?: Didn't get worse!

I took the AM off, took a good, needed nap, and woke up...not ready to face the day and I was very ready to take the rest of the day off. But then I mustered up some gumption and went in for a few hours. Glad I did, because I actually made some mental progress on a few things.

So, this is all my own thought process and nothing proposed by anyone at work. My debate right now is about going bald. Pros--I am totally comfortable with it, I don't have to get more scarves, I haven't bitten the bullet with the wig yet. Cons (a little trickier)--I work at a hospice, so how would patients and families feel about seeing me walk around bald? Is it professional attire when I have other options? Is is distracting for me to teach a class bald? I've got some thinking to do...

1 comment:

Anna said...

I personally don't think you should be required to compensate with "business attire" scarves or wigs because your appearance is the cause of a medical condition, not your personal choice.
Deirdre doesn't have to cover up her leg tattoos, or Gwen her chest tattoos, or Mia her leg tattoo - and thank goodness! I appreciate their appearance. I think instead of worrying about how respectful you're being to the patients or clients, you should take into account your employers being respectful of YOUR situation and your comfort. Besides, if a patient or coworker asks a question, it is a great teaching moment.

Also, a lot of dudes here have their heads shaved anyway. It would be unfair to say a woman couldn't do the same thing.

Much Love,
Opinionated Anna