October 23, 2010

home sweet home

Just a quick update that Jen came home from the hospital yesterday about 1pm. Then it was off to the ophthalmologist to figure out why her vision was blurry - apparently dry eyes are a side effect of chemo. She is still suffering from some headache action this morning and just wanting to lay on the couch and nap. Sounds like a good way to spend a Saturday...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm so glad you are home. Best to be napping on your sofa then in the hospital. One's own sofa has healing properties. Too bad chemo can't be administered at home while you are on your sofa. That would be a bonus. Olive likes me better now, except at bedtime. It might have something to do with grape jelly but I'm not sure. I'm hoping you guys catch a break soon. That all your household appliances stay in working condition and that treatments don't cause such a shit storm. (Ben's so crafty with words) I'd send hugs if I hugged but...