August 19, 2010


What the viewers want they shall get. The majority of votes in our recent poll indicated you wanted to see post-op pictures but wanted a link to them so you didn't have to see them. After all, they are graphic and may cause certain people distress of some kind. So, wimps, here are your links:

The borg look.

Drains out!

UPDATE: Someone made the very good point that these pictures might end up in the wrong hands if they are posted on the internet. Since there is no way to prevent people reposting copies of the photos without permission, we'll take a different route - anyone who wants to see the pictures can ask, and we can e-mail a copy to you.


Jen said...

Except reverse the captions...

Ben said...

Oops. Good catch. Fixed.

ee said...

You are beautiful and I love you.

Jim said...


Anonymous said...

I'd like an emailed copy if you don't mind...? viktorcello (at) yahoo (dot) com (K Scheeler)

Anonymous said...

The post op links do not work for me. I finally got up my nerve to view the pictures and the links are broken. This is probably a sign...............

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see why, the <a href's are empty.