August 12, 2010

One on one

Good day/Bad day?: pretty good

Ben & I had a day to ourselves, which was a big departure from the last 2 weeks. His parents left in the AM and our PM help fell through for today, so we were back to our little family. It's been great having people here to help, but also nice to just hang out with each other and Olive. We're heading into a busy weekend with Olive's late b-day and Ben's early b-day... I wonder what his day will bring?! Really, I can't build it up b/c he outdid me by far with the flying lesson, but at least I can surprise him a little.

So for those of you worried that I was really going to lie to get my last drain out, RELAX! I'm still putting out enough that I'm not going to push it, so I guess I'm looking at Monday. Boo.

Ben & I met with the med oncologist this afternoon to talk about chemo choices. The improvement in recurrence is pretty clear, so doing chemo isn't the question right now, it's which regimen to choose. Even within the standard therapy there are a couple of choices, and then there are 2 possible clinical trials with a total of 6 different regimens there, so there are a lot of choices. I've got some reading to do. I'll make up my mind about a regimen or trial next week and then have my definitive treatment schedule. No matter what, it sounds like a long road with a lot of side effects, 4 mos min and 6.5 mos max. Dosing is likely going to be every 2 weeks, though some of the options are once weekly, and I'll get it on Fri so I can feel like crap over the weekend and hopefully be better by Mon or Tues. Delightful!

Okay, we watched a movie after Olive went to bed and now I'm tired. Tomorrow will be a last opportunity for me to have quiet time for a while unless I take off more work days. I plan to go back Mon but will have some appts next week and some partial days. Getting there, but wondering when my arms are ever going to feel better.


Anonymous said...

After my surgery things started to feel better after the second week was over. Of course I had "core" work done so my arms weren't involved. But "feeling better" certainly does come eventually.

Wow, I said all that..??

Hang in there, Jenny, you have so much good stuff ahead of you.

merry said...

Jenny, please remember to let me know if you need more time off than you have saved up.No need to come back too soon.Love you.