July 17, 2011

Keeping up appearances

Winding down a busy weekend. We missed Ben as he travelled to Ladysmith and back, but got to enjoy the company of Julie, Dad & Carol. It's hard on Olive when it's so hot (and getting hotter)--she gets very stir-crazy. We did have enough of a tolerable window on Saturday to get to the playground and figure out she could ride the see-saw! And this morning we had breakfast where she could watch the airplanes take off, so that was a hit.

She's continuing to adjust well--luckily she's been easygoing enough for a toddler and talks about what's on her mind. The full Friday at daycare went well, too, though sand and casts are never a good combo...

So as for me. Well, I'm a mild mess. Back & shoulder aren't happy, and my arm's swelling nicely again. But it's manageable.

I did choose to cut my hair again (with the clippers). Cut off about 3/4", back to having it about 1/2" short. I've decided that I'm sticking with it for a few reasons. For one, it's very easy, especially while we've got other (immobile) things going on. But the other part of it is a little symbolic. I've gotten a lot of people be very excited for my hair growth, very encouraging because it is a sign that I am recovering. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that! But I think I've talked about it here previously that the nature of the world these days is to want to move on as fast as possible. The haircut is my way of saying to the world that I'm still processing this, still feeling like I haven't mentally caught up to all that's happened in one year...

Back to work today--luckily nothing time-sensitive needed the first day back! Since I didn't set a day this week for Olive Training and it's short notice, how about next Monday evening? Maybe 6:30-7:30? Get in touch with me through here, e-mail, or phone if you'd like to participate in learning her needs (as Kathy said, it's really not that different).


Kathy said...

The hardest part of being a helper is respecting the process of the helpee. Adding to the complexity is that it's not just the person with cancer who is impacted; it's also the helpers and those close to the one with cancer.

Bottom line is that the hair is an outward symbol. Since I have lately been sorting through items saved across the last 39 years, I'm filled with thoughts of the past, including styles that seemed on the edge that we allowed because you choose your battles with teens and almost teens and because they deserve the respect of being able to choose their own hair style/color.

Likewise, I think with post cancer hair. Ultimately, the important thing is not the hair; it's that you don't permanently define yourself as cancer. You are so much more than that and those who love you are capable of seeing that and seeing that you might need time for thinking it all through, with or without short hair.

We have time in spite of girls in casts, motorcycle trips and steaming weather. None of us is perfect; we are, though, all doing the very best we can, stumbling through the uncharted territory of surviving after the big battle.

To every thing, there is a season...

Anonymous said...

Turn! Turn! Turn!

Pete Seeger 1962