March 22, 2011


Good day/Bad day?: Okay

Yesterday was a partial work day--I had acupuncture in the AM--and that was fine. I'm just having a little tiff with myself. I didn't think twice this weekend about driving up to MN because I've made that trip hundreds of times in the past and kind of enjoy it. What I failed to realize was that I have not driven for a trip longer than 2 hrs since my surgery. Now my arms are making me pay for driving with impunity! That, plus not having done reps with my substantial daughter for 4 days--you can't ease into that, you either pick her up or don't... So ouch.

Today I'll be going for my radiation onc appt to get mapped out via CT, sign consent, etc. I should have more detailed info after that.

Ben is no longer taking his April trip. I won't get into the details beyond his motorcycle being uncomfortable for long rides. I wish he could--he's earned it. We'll make it up to him in the future...

Oh yeah, favorite Olive words?: She asks to sing Old McDonald with a funny version of "E-I-E-I-O", and she is working on "Adios!"


Unknown said...

substantial daughter :)

Jen said...

That's my nice way of saying she's going to be a bruiser...