January 7, 2011

Taxol #3

Good day/Bad day?: chemo day

Thanks to Kathy for being today's chemo buddy--I told you it was boring! Nothing new here. Got the treatment, start feeling really washed out and pale an hour or 2 after. Tomorrow I'll go get my shot, and then the bone pain will start. It'll all be wrapped up hopefully by Monday and I'll go back to work.

Happy surprise! I had changed the dressing on my port site a couple of days ago and it wasn't looking pretty. I had let it be since then with a different dressing, and today when the nurse and I looked at it, it was healing much better. Still a ways to go, but happy surprise that it was making progress. I'm one of the nurses that's fascinated with wounds, so this is kinda cool in its own way.

Another happy surprise! Day care said that Olive stood up and took a couple of steps unprompted! She may walk before preschool yet...

Time to have a laying-low weekend.


Kathy said...

YAY OLIVE!!! It sunk in when I got home that I didn't get to see her today...Soon, we'll all be wondering what we were wishing for.

It's not boring being chemo buddy. It's a great excuse for stopping and watching. I don't have enough opportunities for that. In just 6 more weeks, I hope I remember that it's good to have the opportunity and make the opportunity for something that DOESN'T make Jenny pale. This spring is going to be the best spring ever.

Anonymous said...

All Great News. It makes me wanna have a bowl of chips.

KateB said...

Woo hoo! A mobile Olive....

Jenny, I would be happy to be a chemo buddy if your "regulars" can't make it; just let me know.