January 26, 2011

3-minute diversion

Ben & I can't get enough sometimes, so we're just going to assume the world is waiting for more morsels of Olive goodness. Olive and lasagna=all done!


Kathy said...

Wow, our girl is growing up! And she has a new trick of taking the tray off on her own. And she still has an awesome smile. Too, too cool. Aren't you sometimes just in awe that you and Ben are the ones who brought us the wonderful and awesome Olive????

Ben said...

1:11 is the best.

Anonymous said...

I can barely stand it!!! :)

Jen said...

For a fun foreign language assignment, try to pick out the words "pop" (as in when the toast is done...), "please", "all done", and "more".

Unknown said...

Half way through I realized she's wearing a bib! A miracle in and of itself. She's so very meticulous about her clean up process. I laughed out loud when she pulled off the tray.